Connecting workforce to graduation for proven success: Improved graduation rates; academic, behavior and attendance goals.
Communities In Schools of Caldwell County
Communities in Schools of Caldwell is committed to the students and families of Caldwell County. Communities In Schools of Caldwell will continue to create partnerships between community and our students to provide opportunities and the tools necessary to achieve success in school, graduate, and become a vital part of the community.
Making a Difference
in Caldwell County
During the 2023-2024 school year 98% of our CISCC Seniors graduated and had a plan in place for life after high school. Also, 93% of 465 students served last year in grades six through twelve maintained or improved their behavior.
Together with your partnership, mentor-ship, or donation, we can change the community we live in by having a positive impact one student at a time.

Partner To Make a Difference
Those who partner with CISCC usually find the rewards are as beneficial to the business as they are to CISCC. CISCC invites you to join the business community in providing mentors for the CISCC students of the Caldwell County School System. More than 500 students receive services from the CISCC program in 7 schools. Right now, we have over 100 businesses and agencies in the area that provide some type of support to the CISCC program in Caldwell County.

A Record of Proven Success

Students are referred to the Communities In Schools of Caldwell County program to receive extra support, participate in hands-on activities, and to learn about community involvement. To be considered for the program, students must be referred by a parent, counselor, or teacher etc.
If you are a student who wants to get ahead academically, or if you think you would otherwise benefit from being in a CISCC program, then ask a teacher at your school about your school’s CISCC program.
Communities In Schools operates at Gamewell Middle, Granite Falls Middle, Hudson Middle, and William Lenoir Middle schools and at Hibriten High, South Caldwell High, and West Caldwell High schools.
For more information, please call the CISCC main office at 828-929-2247.