About CIS Caldwell
Our Mission
The mission of Communities In Schools of Caldwell County is to provide a safe nurturing environment where students are connected to community resources and supported to achieve academic success.
Our Vision
Every child in Caldwell County Schools will graduate, be globally competitive and prepared for life in the 21st Century.
Our Values
- Provide one-on-one relationships with caring adult mentors and/or role models
- Provide community involvement and engagement
- Provide a safe learning environment
- Provide referrals to community resources for physical and mental health
- Provide hands-on career and educational opportunities
Board of Directors
CIS Caldwell is governed by an independent board made up of representatives from county agencies, the schools, the community college, county government, social agencies, and businesses. The CIS Caldwell program is viewed as a community program addressing community problems. In 1989, the board was the beginning of a partnership between business leaders and the public schools that has grown into a model of collaboration in the state of North Carolina.
A special thanks to all board members who came before and serve now for the vision of building a community of support through CIS Caldwell.
Communities In Schools of Caldwell County Board of Directors 2024-2025:
Danette Landrum, Blue Ridge Energy Accounting, Board Chair
Deborah Smith, UNC Caldwell Healthcare, Vice President and Secretary
Pete Craymer, Retired, Board Treasurer
Sterling Anders, Nationwide Insurance
Kim Arnett, Director of Caldwell County Department of Social Services
Angie Ashley, Executive Director Caldwell Council on Adolescent Health
Chris Bumgarner, Patrol Sergeant
Lenoir Police DepartmentDr. Kim Case, Retired School System
Dr. Ryan Cooper, Director of Student Support Services at Caldwell County School
Julie Couch, Coordinator Adult Career Readiness at CCC&TI
Rahn Chase, V.P. First Citizens Bank
Dottie Darsie, Retired
Alvin Daughtridge, Retired
Kenny Doston, Youth Pastor at Waterlife Church
Donald Duncan, Caldwell County Manager
Max Dyer, V.P. Laz-Y-Boy, Past President
Denise Fleming, Caldwell County Health Department
Carrie Foddrell, Educator
Becky Gibbons, Retired Educator
Barry Hayes, Hayes Chemical
Scott Hildebran, Lenoir City Manager
Stephen Jones, Pastor of Student Ministries Living Hope Church
Darrell Keener, Retired CPA
Dr. Don Phipps, Superintendent of Caldwell County Schools
Dr. Mark Poarch, President at CCC&TI
Tyler Reese, Caldwell District Manager Blue Ridge Energy
William Romero, Teacher Caldwell County Schools
Shay Starnes, Bernhardt Furniture
Troy Stutts, North Carolina Government
Dr. John Thuss, Retired Veterinarian
Robbie Wilkie, Operations/Business Development Manager at Wilkie Construction
Jamie Willis, Executive Director United Way
CIS Caldwell Staff
Keith Hindman – Executive Director
Kelly Helton – Data Manager
Debbie Eller – Executive Director Emeritus/Consultant
Site Coordinators:
Kelly Helton – Gamewell Middle School
DJ (Dennis) Brown – Granite Falls Middle School
Hnub Kue – Hudson Middle School
Lindsay Hallead – William Lenoir Middle School
Sylvia King – Hibriten High School
Melissa Gray – South Caldwell High School
Caleigh Raby – West Caldwell High School
Social Workers:
Charmion Frizsell – GFMS, HHS, HMS, SCHS
Eddie Peoples – GMS, WLMS, HHS, WCHS